
Before Baby Is Born

Look after yourself first!
A mother’s dental health impacts the development of her baby and their developing teeth.

Not only is it important for the baby’s developing teeth to get enough calcium and other minerals and nutrients but it is very important for a mother to take care of her own oral health needs. Good dental health lowers the levels of a mother’s cavity forming bacteria, which in turn reduces that passing to the baby.

“Pregnancy Gingivitis” is a normal condition that some women experience during pregnancy. This irritation and bleeding of gums is caused by changes in hormone levels and will resolve after baby is born. Regular brushing, flossing, perhaps a dental cleaning and the use of safe alcohol free mouthwashes, will help reduce this annoyance.

However, research has shown that a more advanced form of gum disease, (periodontal disease), which may have existed before and exacerbated in pregnancy, can contribute to serious complications such as pre-eclampsia and premature birth. These problems are associated with the high levels of bacteria in the mouth. Seeking regular dental cleanings and therapeutic advice from your dentist would be strongly advised in these cases.

It is safe to have necessary dental treatment performed during pregnancy but important to let your dentist know. The middle trimester ( 3-6 months ) is the best time to undergo dental treatment which may include taking care of any cavities and a dental cleaning.

Your dentist will accommodate your specific needs during pregnancy safely by making appointments short and positioning the chair in such a way to keep you comfortable. They will also advise you about how to look after baby’s teeth when they come in around six months of age in order to prevent early childhood cavities.